
Experience and agility to provide today’s solutions.


The training process established by the Naval Nuclear Power Program has proven effective during continued operations. Since its inception in 1948, the U.S. Navy’s nuclear program has developed 27 different plant designs, installed them in 210 nuclear-powered ships, taken over 500 reactor cores into operation, and accumulated over 5,400 reactor-years of operation and has been educating young men and women in nuclear plant operations for over six decades.   

Following the Three Mile Island accident on March 28, 1979 and upon recommendations cited in the Kemeney Report (October 30, 1979), the commercial nuclear power program in the United Stated incorporated the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) which incorporates the components developed for the Navy as well as significant changes to plant operating procedures.  This approach utilizes five distinct phases called the ADDIE Process; Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.  The ADDIE Process and SAT are now used universally in high risk skills training in nuclear and non-nuclear applications.  Initial SAT based training provides the needed skills to safely perform complex tasks and, coupled with frequent continuing training, has been a major driver in the ZERO nuclear accidents for the US Navy and ZERO nuclear accidents in the US commercial nuclear program for over 40 years.

NASA realized the benefits of the SUBSAFE program after the loss of the Challenger and has subsequently incorporated many of the hard-learned lessons from Naval Nuclear Power. The Founders of EnerSpex have frequently implemented long-used and thoroughly tested programs developed by the Navy into multiple areas of operations and training with outstanding results.

EnerSpex recruits and employs experienced professionals who specialize in the SAT and ADDIE process to improve existing training programs as well as the complete development of training programs for new construction and plant upgrade projects. In addition, detailed plant operating procedures are directly coupled to the training programs and EnerSpex can provide Procedure Professionals Association (PPA) certified procedure writers to assist any organization.



Nuclear Training, Material Development, Examination Item Development and Mentoring 

  • Instructors and material developers are certified as Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Instructor/Developers with expert level of knowledge in the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) and the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) Process. 
  • Instructors are fully qualified in classroom teaching, On the Job Training and Technical Performance Evaluation for all disciplines of Operations, Maintenance, Engineering and Technical Training including Main Control Room (MCR) simulator training and evaluation, all of which meet the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) training standards. 
  • Training leadership team has hundreds of cumulative years of experience in leading accredited training programs; ranging from initial and continued INPO accreditation certification to decommissioning. Additionally, we have developed analyses for new task and material design for startup and plant modification of nuclear power plant training programs.


Procedure Writing Specialists

  • Procedure Writing staff maintain PPA professional procedure writing certification and receive continuing training to stay current on industry operating experience and utility needs.
  • Staff with significant experience in revisions of existing plant operating and maintenance procedures, as well as development of new procedures based upon nuclear plant modifications utilizing: plant modification packages, technical vendor manuals, technical specifications for similar plant operations, and plant drawings including system walkdowns and Subject Matter Expert verification and validation prior to approval of revised or new-issue procedures and technical documents.


Maintenance Planning Specialists

  • All staff are trained and proficient on several planning computer operating programs as well as INPO’s ACADs, which provide industry best practices and governing guidance for the planning and execution of maintenance planning, schedule and nuclear plant safety review, implementation of the INPO AP 928 work-week schedule review process and post maintenance review.


Field Engineering

  • Field Engineers provide technical document development, review and plant walkdowns for accuracy and efficiency.  These services include procedures, surveillances, plant modification support and plant operation testing, commissioning and ascension to full power operations.


Human Performance (HUP), Corrective Action Program (CAP) Operating Experience and Performance Trending

  • Staff consists of Performance Improvement experts who proven experts in these areas.  Many have vast experience in implementing and managing nuclear plant performance improvement initiatives such as USNRC IP 95001, 95002, and 95003 recoveries within the US.
  • Staff has developed Performance Improvement programs, procedures and performance indicators at numerus US nuclear utilities as well assisted in program upgrades to bring new construction and operating facilities into industry best performance as evaluated by INPO and the USNRC.


Recruiting, Screening, Interview and Selection Process

  • EnerSpex management team possess the commercial nuclear power experience, project management, legal and business expertise to evaluate customer needs, provide detailed business proposals and staff most nuclear project plans in an expeditious manner.
  • We currently provide resources to support several US based utilities as well as multiple areas for the UAEs Barakah Nuclear Power Plant.
  • Each candidate selected to support any project undergoes detailed screening to ensure each candidate provided to a customer meets the stringent educational and nuclear qualifications required by the USNRC and qualification standards as set by INPO, as well as any other applicable industry standards.
  • Each candidate undergoes an extensive work history and performance review, background check, and personal interviews by nuclear industry leaders, to ensure that only the best qualified and most highly motivated professionals are selected to support all projects in which EnerSpex is associated.