Radioactive Waste Enhancement and ALARA Project Experts

Posted 5 years ago

 Middle East UAE

These positions will be operating at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant site in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.  We are looking for Radioactive Waste and Radiation Protection Specialists to support development of programs for our UAE customer.  These are contract positions to be based in the UAE for a duration of 4 months with potential contract extension. Working hours are 38 hrs/week with up to 8 hrs/week additional as approved by EnerSpex and the Client.

Role description

  • Selected candidates will be assigned to Radioactive Waste Enhancement and ALARA Projects and should be able to
    • Multi-task several deliverables in support of their assignments
    • Manage project scope to meet set deliverables based on agreed timelines and milestones
  • Two (2) Radioactive Waste experts will be assigned to projects/initiatives such as;
    • Set up best practicable process of waste clearance by:
      • Providing fractionated process per waste types and sources
      • Identifying best options for waste monitoring and nuclide analysis
      • Documenting procedures and justifications of the suggested process
      • Set up and document best practicable Source Term Management Program and Scaling Factor Program
      • Assist Nawah to develop waste minimization plan by providing studies on anticipated amount of waste according to existing and suggested options
      • Identify all hazardous substances (chemicals, explosives, chelates, etc..) in terms of radioactive waste and assess best practicable control procedure
      • Assess best practical option and specifications for waste drums assay system at the storage ensuring it can be adapted to existing building infrastructure
      • Assess best practicable means for optimizing solid radioactive waste arisings mindful of the limited capacity in onsite waste storage and timescale for external disposal facility.
      • Study may include; 
        • How long to store resin and concentrates in tanks before solidification/packaging so as not to preclude meeting future waste acceptance criteria,
          • When to change filters (at LLW threshold or DP)
          • Feasibility of opening waste shipment to disposal facility, etc.
  • A Radiation Protection expert will be assigned to projects/initiatives such as;
    • Review ALARA measures and develop long term ALARA plan
      • Carry forward remote monitoring system (Tele-dosimetry) introduction project
        • Set up gamma sensitive detector of portal monitor and develop relevant procedure
        • Set up Small Article Monitor and develop relevant procedure
        • Develop ALARA plan for initial fuel load

Essential skills

  • Fluency with English language (Written, Spoken)
  • Bachelor’s degree in science or a related field
  • Eight (8) years of experience at radiation protection or radioactive waste management
  • Understanding of characters of PWR stations in terms of radiation protection and radioactive waste management

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